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Home > english-chinese > "bacon and eggs with wife and kids," in Chinese

Chinese translation for "bacon and eggs with wife and kids,"


Related Translations:
bacon curing:  培根肉的腌制
breakfast bacon:  烟熏肉冷盘早餐咸肉
bacon spleen:  火腿脾, 淀粉样脾
bacon tree:  培根肉熏烟架
slab bacon:  大块培根肉厚块熏腌肋条肉
fat bacon:  腌用背膘
bacon cheeseburger:  腊肉奶酪汉堡包
horseflesh bacon:  肉状脉石
bacon belly:  五花肉, 奶脯
fried bacon:  煎烟肉
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